Shed Store Review

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Our aim is to review all the major garden building retailers in the UK. Maybe one day we will stretch out to Europe, the rest of the world and then the universe, but for now we are keeping a real close eye on the biggest shed and garden structure retailers in the UK. Today we have this in depth, fair and impartial Shed Store review for you. Shed Store are certainly one of the bigger garden building retailers in the UK right now so we are really going to have to roll our sleeves up and get stuck in so we can see exactly what kind of service they offer, the types of products they have and in general just how good a retailer they are.

What we rate

  • They offer pretty much every kind of garden building you could imagine
  • You are not going to have any trouble using the site
  • There are a lot of positive Shed Store reviews online
  • They have some of the best special offers and sales we have seen
  • Prices are very reasonable

What we slate

  • Some people have reported issues with delivery
  • Their budget products are not made with as high quality materials
  • It can take a while to see all the awesome products they have as there are so many
How We Rate It
Amount Of Products Available 9/10
90% Complete
Extras On Offer 8.5/10
85% Complete
Customer Service Support 9/10
90% Complete
Delivery Times 7.5/10
75% Complete
Prices 9.5/10
95% Complete

Let's Take a Closer Look...

Shed Store: A quick overview

Shed Store are a millennial retailer as they have been keeping peoples garden lawns free from kids toys, bikes and your tools since 2000. They are seen as one of the big garden building online retailers now and they carry pretty much any kind of garden structure or accessory that you can think of. Free delivery is one of the main perks that Shed Store offer as well as making sure they offer products at all different prices so people no matter what their budget is, will be able to find something here.

Shed Store: Support Contact Information

Phone: 0333 003 0518Maps

email: / /

Shed Store: Physical address

Taylored Investments Ltd, H1 Coventry Place,

Blackpole Trading Estate,

Worcester, WR3 8SG

Shed Store: The Products

We have to start our Shed Store review off looking at the different kinds of products that they have for sale. They have a fantastic selection of garden buildings where all the major kinds of garden structures are covered. Sheds, greenhouses, summerhouses, log cabins, kids playhouses, general garden storage and even a whole host of garden accessories. There is a whole lot to look at here and we are sure that no matter how obscure the shape and size of your garden is they will have a shed or whatever it is you are looking for that will fit just nicely. They really want to make sure that they have the right kind of product for you and those who have a garden where space is not all that available they have a great range of smaller sheds such as their great range of 4 X 3 sheds of which there is a couple of choices for you. For those with limitless garden space, you will find that they have some truly large sheds such as their incredible line of 12 X 8 sheds. When it comes to garden sheds no matter what kind of space you are working with, we have no doubt that there will be a shed here that will fit snugly into your garden.

Shed Store are not just a retailer who have smaller products. Those who are looking for something that would work as a workshop or even a log cabin to relax in will find that Shed Store has them covered. A great example of this is there huge, 10 X 18 Marseille Log Cabin. They even have large sheds which are more like a workshop than a place to store tools. Their larger products do not end at sheds, log cabins and general garden storage. They even have large and impressive kids playhouses with some of them such as the 7 X 7 Primrose being a multi level cabin in the woods type playhouse that will most likely put your actual house to shame. Honestly you could spend a good half an hour on the Shed Store site and still not see all the fantastic products they have to offer.

Shed StoreThe Prices

As you can tell from the start of our Shed Store review, we are very impressed with the vast amount of products that Shed Store have. While we were very impressed with the different shapes, sizes and quality that their sheds, log cabins and greenhouses came in. We are just as impressed at how they have products at all different price points. Shed Store are a retailer who manage to offer a great mix of lower priced more modest products as well as larger, higher quality and higher priced products that people like Mr Burns from The Simpsons would be interested in. First of all though let’s have a look at how Shed Store is a good retailer for those on a tighter budget. When it comes to sheds, we were actually very surprised at just how many sheds they have that come in between £100 and £200. Even their summerhouse range caters for those on a stricter budget as they have a vast amount that are well under £500. No matter what product you click there is always some kind of budget priced option there for you.

Next up in our Shed Store review we are going to put on our monocle, get a little fancy and have a look at their higher end products. As well as being larger, their higher priced sheds are also made to be a higher quality and made with better cladding, stronger wood and in general just have a more premium feel all round to them. So while the price may be higher, you are getting a high quality product that has a long, long life ahead of it in return. Their higher priced sheds are so impressive that we are sure some people will come here with a strict budget in mind and then decide to save up a month or two longer to get something a little more high end. If you have a lot of money to play with then we highly recommend you have a look at their log cabins. Shed Store have one of the best log cabin sections we have seen and while some of their more impressive ones such as their, 26 X 16 Penelope Log Cabin may cost over ten thousand pounds. You have to keep in mind that this is just like getting a large extension built on your house. If you do have a lot of money to play with and want to get something really special then Shed Store will most certainly have something for you.

There is one last thing that we would like to talk about when it comes to the prices of Shed Store products and this is part of our Shed Store review that we are excited to talk about and that is their deals. Shed Store are one of if not the very best when it comes to having special offers, deals and Shed Store voucher codes going on. They always seem to have some kind of sale going on and it is always right on the  homepage for you to see. Even when you click on one of their categories, 9/10 you will be shown a few special offers. We have seen some truly incredible deals on the Shed Store site so be sure to have a look at their special offers before you start looking in the general shed or log cabin section.

Shed StoreUsing The Site

The homepage of Shed Store is one of the very best we have come across as they have made it very easy to find what you are looking for. As soon as we started this Shed Store review, we knew this was going to be something we praised. Where some other garden building retailers will have numerous tabs, sections and subsections on their homepage. Shed Store only have four main tabs, from which you can then start to get a bit more specific with what you are looking for. So if you click their sheds tab for example from here you can just look through all their sheds or you can make things a little easier by telling the site how much money you want to spend and what kind of size you are looking for. While we are a bit on the nosey side and like to look at all a retailer has to offer. We are sure some of you are going to love being able to just set your budget and then see all the sheds or whatever it is, is available at that price range.

Clicking a product such as a shed for example will then give you a very easy to understand description. The first thing you will see is a few pictures and some bullet points about what makes that shed special. If you want more information before you hit that buy it now button. You can scroll down where there are different tabs which will give you more information. Detailed Specification, Description, Delivery and Reviews are the tabs you can click to get all the information you need about the product that interests you. One thing that we feel is a little too much on the nose is the amount of extras that some of their products try to tempt you with. Many other sites will have a few extras that would work well with a specific shed, but Shed Store really like to throw a lot your way. They have this fantastic, 7 X 5 Shed-Plus Pent Dip Treated Overlap Shed which we really liked the look of, but when you click it before you get to the different tabs giving you all the information there are 14 different extras ranging from bases, locks and lighting.

Shed StoreOnsite Reviews

Shed Store customer reviews can be found on a number of products, but you cannot actually tell if a product has a review until you click on it. So when you click their sheds section for example you will not see star ratings next to them when they are all there in a list, but if you click on one and it has a customer rating then you know that there is at least one customer review for it. We looked at many products and found that more than a few did have reviews. What impressed us about the reviews was that while there was plenty of 5 and 4 star reviews which was to be expected. We still saw some reviews where customers would criticize and say when things were not to their liking so this does show that Shed Store are a bit more open than some other retailers when it comes to the reviews that they allow to be posted on their site.


What Are The People Saying About Shed Store?

We really appreciate you taking the time to read the main meat and potatoes of our Shed Store review, but before we give you some more of our thoughts on this retailer we have some Shed Store customer reviews for you. Here are the best sites when it comes to Shed Store reviews. Here you can see what actual customers think of not just the products, but the overall service they got from Shed Store.

As is the case with all reviews, we suggest that you read more than just the 5 and 1 star reviews. Be sure to read some middle of the road 3 star reviews as well so you can get a more fair view on what Shed Store are like. Also please remember that lots of people take good service and products for granted and will not bother to write a review, whereas if someone has a bad experience they will be much more likely to write a review.

Trust Pilot: On Trust Pilot as of writing there are 1666 Shed Store reviews. This is a site that paints Shed Store in a very positive light as over 50 percent of these reviews score Shed Store at 5 stars. Add to this the 4 star reviews and you have a retailer who has over 3 quarters of their reviews as being positive. This is very good to see and from reading the comments we can see that many people are happy with customer service, delivery times, quality and just the whole experience in general.

To ensure this is a fair review we have to tell you about the negative ones as well and thankfully the 1 star reviews make up only 8 percent of the reviews. One of the main complaints that we have seen is people who are not happy about the quality. From what we could tell people had issues with warped wood, cracked bits of wood or just not being as happy with the quality as they thought they would be. While we can sympathise with this we do feel that this is because they have ordered one of the budget products which may not have as much quality control before they go out the door as some of the more higher end products. Of course this does not excuse the poor quality at all, but with as many customers as Shed Store, you are always going to have at least a couple of orders  that do not go as smooth as they should. Visit website and see reviews by clicking here.

Review Centre: The Shed Store reviews at Review Centre are nowhere near as positive as the ones that are on Trust Pilot, gut in our experience in looking at customer reviews, Review Centre seems to be one of the more negative sites that we have seen. There are just 50 Shed Store reviews listed on here and over 30 of them score Shed Store at just the one star. We have looked at all these reviews and a few of them do talk about their shed or whatever it was they ordered showing up damaged. Tying into this is people having issues with delivery such as one reviewer who is listed as anonymous who had this to say, “Payment was taken for a shed. Delivery agreed between 0700 and 0950. I received a call at 0940 to say that the shed isn’t even in stock!! I took a half days leave from work to be in for delivery.” We can only imagine what a frustrating experience this must be. But many of the complaints listed here talk about poor communication when it comes to delivery times.

The positive Shed Store customer reviews are quite few are far between on Review Centre with there only being five 5 star reviews and two 4 star reviews. We know that to some this may seem alarming, but in general we would have to say, even including all the negative reviews listed on here that Shed Store still have more positive reviews than negative ones. Still we feel it is a good idea to have a read of some of the negative reviews so you can try and avoid some of the problems these customers have had. Visit website and see reviews by clicking here.

Facebook: Hey do not be surprised to know that there is more to Facebook than looking at pictures of people you went to high school with and commenting on funny videos involving cats. Shed Store actually have a very active Facebook page where they post pretty much every day. Giving you info about latest products and deals, you know the usual stuff that most other garden building retailers have on their Facebook pages. But there is an actual customer review section on their Facebook page as well.

This is quite interesting as most of the Shed Store reviews that are listed here are actually positive. Customers have posted their 5 star reviews and then Shed Store have commented back to the which is a very nice touch. The one thing that did make us raise our eyebrows a little bit was the couple of 1 star reviews where customers were unhappy. These ones did not have any communication from Shed Store which was a little disappointing to see as they had commented on the positive reviews. Hopefully they reached out to those customers and dealt with their issues privately. Visit website and see reviews by clicking here.

Do We Have Any Concerns?

On the surface we would have to say no. Shed Store make a tremendous first impression and it is pretty much impossible not to be blown away by their fantastic selection, great prices and also the presentation of their website. They are clearly one of the big UK garden building retailers for a reason. But when we started to look at the Shed Store reviews, while the majority of them were scoring them at 4 and 5 stars there were still a few that made comments about delivery times and the quality of some of the lower priced sheds and other structures. So while the majority of their transactions do seem to go quite smoothly. As they have so many customers there is always going to be that one or two customers who get unlucky and have some kind of issue. Honestly while this may not sound like a big deal to some. We really would have liked to have seen Shed Store comment to those customers on Facebook who scored them at 1 star.

Always Room For Improvements

Shed Store are a retailer who for the most part are doing a great job. We are really pleased with the way they have designed their site and just love how they have such a good variety of high end products such as their log cabins which can probably give some houses a run for their money. Most of the quality issues that we read about where down to either damage during delivery to just poor quality control. We have seen this with some of the other larger garden building retailers. Where their budget line of products does not seem to go through as strenuous quality control process as some of the more expensive and higher end products. Now on one had we totally get this, you cannot have a budget line and then spend countless man hours checking over it multiple times or using the same kind of wood that the more expensive products are made of. But we feel just a little bit more care before something is sent on its way could prevent a lot of these issues happening.

Shed Store: How We Rate It

Here we are at the end of our Shed Store review and we can tell you that like most other large garden building retailers there is lots of positives with a few negatives as well. But for the most part, Shed Store are a retailer who are trying to do things right. We feel that they do have a great selection of products for people of all budgets and they always have some kind of special offer or crazy sale happening so if you are on a strict budget this is a retailer who is worth a look.


  • They offer pretty much every kind of garden building you could imagine
  • You are not going to have any trouble using the site
  • There are a lot of positive Shed Store reviews online
  • They have some of the best special offers and sales we have seen
  • Prices are very reasonable


  • Some people have reported issues with delivery
  • Their budget products are not made with as high quality materials
  • It can take a while to see all the awesome products they have as there are so many

Shed Store: How You Rate It

So you have read our Shed Store review, but now it is your turn. We would love to hear from you fine folks who have actually ordered from Shed Store, please leave your own mini reviews in the section down below.

So, How Does It All Stack Up?
Overall Score

Shed Store Review
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How you

Rate It

  • paul boot said...

    brillant services ordered wrong size they returned fence panels back to depot and arranged new delivery date with correct fence panels at no extra charge and even refunded the difference emailed delivery time customer service 10/10 not many firms like this around thankyou would recommend and will use again


    • Richard said...

      Hi Paul, Thanks for this feedback, I am sure it will really help other people in deciding to work with this company or not.


  • Mr T Barton said...

    Brilliant product , it was delivered yesterday 20/5/16 & it’s already been put together & is standing proudly on my concrete base that I layed 2 weeks ago ! & the wife is now at last leaving me alone !
    It took 2 of us just over 3 hours to put together but its worth every penny !
    We are chuffed too bits !
    Just brilliant!


  • Anna said...

    The shed went up … Yay! But to our utter disappointment the installation guys left behind over 25 screws laying in and around the shed. We’re still finding them. Problem number 1: if they’re on the floor, they’re not in the shed. And yep, we have found that half the roof isn’t screwed in and that there are screws missing all over. Problem number 2: we have young children and to leave nails lying around is an absolute health and safety disaster!!! Utterly unacceptable and dangerous! The installation guys told us when they left they had put our shed up in a record time of 60 mins and they we’re really impressed with themselves as they normally take 90 mins… Now we know why they took so little time, so little care and did a complete botch job. Shed itself isn’t bad, but just get someone local to install it…!


  • Neil matthews said...

    Shed delivered today,very friendly drivers contacted half hour before delivery shed erected easily worth the money will recommend to friends


  • Dee Horrocks said...

    Ordered a 6×4 foot shed everything on the information said that was as ordered it was not until it took five hours to erect that I found out that on the outside it measured 43 inches by 59 inches,if I wanted a shed that size I would have ordered one. To be fair I was told I could return it I can promise you there will be no volunteers to dismantle it and rebuild another.


  • Louise China said...

    We bought a shed in October 2019 which was assembled by shedstore on a concrete base as instructed. Initial delivery was slow but we were please with the look of the shed and the communication. Now 6 months after installation the roof is bowing/coming apart from the walls. Not what I expect from a £850 shed with a 15 year guarantee. I’ve been emailing shedstore for weeks to try and arrange a repair or replacement and the only response we get is that they’ve contacted the supplier (who’s contact details they won’t give us). They fail to address any questions with regards to the guarantee every time asked. I have now sought legal advice and it appears their guarantee as advertised with the shed may be a sham. As we arranged professional installation with shedstore (and the installers confirmed the concrete base was ‘perfect’) this is clearly a very poor quality shed. PLEASE DO NOT ORDER WITH THIS COMPANY


  • Anthony said...

    We purchased 6’x4′ forest overlap apex shed in March this year and appreciate it was a low price at £259.99. We are very disappointed with it, it is very flimsy, the timber is poor quality (very thin) full of knot holes and neither the door or ‘window’ fit properly. Do not expect this product to last very long would not recommend it.


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